| A man was driving down a country road one beautiful morning. His son was next to him. The day was so nice he decided to wind down the windows.
As they were traveling along, a bee suddenly flew into the car. His son was terrified for he had a fatal allergy to bee stings.
As the bee buzzed around in the car, the father tried to protect his frantic son. When the bee finally landed on the windshield, the father quickly grabbed the bee with his hand and held it.
The little boy was relieved. But before he knew it, his father let go the bee and it started buzzing around again.
"Dad", he wailed. "What are you doing?!"
"Don't worry," assured the father. "The bee can't harm you anymore."
He opened his palm and showed it to his child, "Look, the stinger's in my hand." |

Happy Easter to all.